Questions & Answers

What is Kulturkvarter Snösätra?

Is Snösätra threatened by demolition?

How does Kulturkvarter Snösätra work to preserve the area?

Who owns the place and how can it be used?

Why have you installed entrance gates?

When will the gates be unlocked?
Once the gates are locked, the third part of our area will continue to remain open for painting whenever you’d want, and of course, all walls facing the forest will remain accessible as well. The association will explore possibilities to create more opportunities and spaces specifically for graffiti art even within the enclosed lots, where everyone can continue to express their creativity and contribute to our artistic diversity.

Is it free of charge to paint in Snösätra?

Are the events free of charge?
So far, all of Kulturkvarter Snösätra’s own events have been free. However, we also lend out the area to other cultural actors, including those who have received funding from the city district. Some organizers might consider charging a fee for their events in order to be able to fund and manage them.

Do you sell paint?
Unfortunately, we don’t have a store or storage on-site in order to sell paint. Occasionally, spray paint sales may occur during various events, and if so – it will be promoted on social media in advance.
For paint supply, we recommend our friends – Highlights. Check out their website for more information.

How can I get involved or become a member of the association?
Kulturkvarter Snösätra consists of volunteers and is constantly in need of more individuals who want to engage in the development of the area. Volunteers are always welcome to contribute and share knowledge and experiences. The work revolves around refurbishing, construction or assistance at events. It is not mandatory to be a member in order to volunteer, but it’s certainly encouraged.
(A volunteer is an individual who engages in activities without receiving any financial compensation).
If you’re interested in getting involved, please email us at:
You can become a member of our association for free, here. You’ll then receive access to our latest information and will be able to follow the development of our association. It’s also possible to become a paying member, for a yearly fee of 100 SEK, which includes the right to vote at our annual meetings.
Published August 24, 2023