Welcome to
Kulturkvarter Snösätra!
We strive to create a place for encounters between culture, knowledge and society.
Our cultural quarter is a unique opportunity for businesses and organisations to reach a wide audience while contributing to local community development.
Interested in getting involved?
Learn more about the municipal guidelines here.
Together, we can make a difference!

With the rejection of our application for financial support, the festival Spring Beast and Snösätra are in a critical situation. We face the challenge of financing this year’s festival and ensuring Snösätra’s survival as a place for free culture and creativity. Without the city’s support, we risk not being able to carry out the festival and losing an important cultural event in Stockholm. This is of particular concern given that we have recently signed a lease for the site and have been expecting support to continue to develop and activate the area.
Support Snösätra

Upcoming Events

Spring Beast 2024
Thursday 9-12 May
Every Saturday and Sunday during the delightful months of summer, from May 10th to September 1st, Kulturkvarter Snösätra opens its doors for a unique gathering – Culture Flea Market Snösätra. An event where community, culture, and discoveries are at the forefront.
Culture Flea Market

Interested in painting here?

The walls in the main alley are called the Snösätra Wall of Fame, and are repainted by artists during the annual Springbeast festival.
These open lots and the walls behind them – facing the forest, are completely free and legal to paint on. Be aware that Snösätra is a part of a nature reserve. It’s very important for us that everyone takes care of the litter. Use the designated trash bins. Don’t leave any spray cans by the wall after you. Please refrain from breaking branches and painting on vegetation, trees and mountain rocks.
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